(07)3448 0052

Interested in Mental Health First Aid Training? Click here to learn more and view our training dates.

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(07) 3448 0052

Mental Health First Aid

Mental Health First Aid Training at CiMaS

Equip yourself with the knowledge and confidence to recognise, connect and respond to someone experiencing a mental health problem or crisis.

Mental health first aid is a skills based training program that is used to help improve early detection and prevention of mental health illnesses such as anxiety, depression, eating disorders and addiction.

This is a standardised course developed by Mental
Health First Aid International, led by our licenced MHFA instructor Silvia. Silvia is licenced across a variety of sector-based Mental Health First Aid courses. 

Specialised MHFA Courses

Specialised MHFA courses provide a tailored program which will demonstrate how to manage common scenarios or problems specific to your situation in order to get the most out of your mental health first aid training.

Legal Professionals

Mental health first aid can be greatly beneficial to legal professionals to navigate their high stress work environment, as well as to assist clients in managing their own mental health when engaging in the legal process.

Pharmaceutical professionals can gain mental health first aid skills to build on their professional knowledge of medication in order to assist customers in the management of their mental health.

Community Settings
Mental health is a worldwide epidemic, so learning to provide mental health first aid to those in your community can greatly improve the lives of those around you.

Workplace Settings
Mental Health First Aid is an important skill for any and all employees across a wide range of sectors. With this course you will learn the skills to provide mental health first aid to work colleagues. If you are an employer, we also offer group training for your employees.

Financial Professionals

A specialised MHFA course is available for financial professionals, to assist with the fast-paced and high-stress environment of the financial sector.

Tertiary Students
A certificate in MHFA can assist tertiary students in navigating the stresses of tertiary study, as well as prepare them for a future in the workforce.

About the Course

Duration: Two full days, or four three-hour courses

Location: CiMaS Home Nursing Office, 3 Hamilton St Booval QLD 4304

Topics: Alcohol & Drug Abuse, Suicide Awareness, Depression & Anxiety, Psychosis

Cost: $329/person + GST

Includes: Morning Tea, Lunch, Tea & Coffee, as well as a copy of the MHFA Manual and Certificate of Attendance.


Are You an Employer or Orgnaisation Looking to Upskill You Staff? We Can Come to YOU!

CiMaS also offer group-training sessions for organisations with 10 employees wishing to participate in the MHFA Training Course. These group sessions can be held in-house at your buisness over four weekly three-hour sessions. 

View Our Next Mental Health First Aid Training Dates

Our next MHFA training dates are advertised on our Facebook page. View upcoming training dates here, and make sure to like our Facebook page for the latest updates!

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Want to Learn More? Get in Touch!

Our friendly instructor Silvia is more than happy to answer any questions you may have about the course.

Email: mhfa@cimas.net.au

Call: 07 3448 0052

Our Office

3 Hamilton Street
Booval QLD 4304

Contact Details

Call: 3448 0052
E: admin@cimas.net.au